Division of Student Affairs

Division of Student Affairs

Welcome to the Fisk Family!

学生事务部努力创造一个转型的学生体验,激励和支持我们的学生智力, physically, culturally, emotionally, and socially. 作为校园的心脏,我们致力于以学生为中心的文化.  我们的学生是现在和未来的领导者、学者和世界改变者.

澳门皇冠赌场平台充满活力的校园生活帮助学生创造他们想要的体验. 学生事务处的任务是指导我们的学生通过我们的项目和服务, 哪些是为了提高学习经验和最大限度地发挥潜力而设计的.  学生事务部包括学生参与, Residence Life and Dining Services, Student Activities, New Student Orientation (P.A.W.S),体育,咨询中心,精神商店,邮件中心和全球倡议.

Our new, 动态网站已经创建,让您轻松访问有关我们的计划和信息 to 引导你找到在澳门皇冠赌场平台的整个旅程中支持你的人! 请随时到我们的办公室或与我们联系以获取任何信息或帮助.

Staff Member: Natara K. Garvin, Ed.D.

Vice President of Student Affairs
Office of Student Engagement 
Email: ngarvin@ptc2010.net
Office: 615-329-8635

1000 17th Avenue North | Nashville, TN 37208
Adam K. Spence Hall


Offices of the Division of Student Affairs

学习发生在整个大学——课堂内外. 澳门皇冠赌场平台提供各种以学生为中心的社会和教育活动, academic support programs, intramurals, 以及作为菲斯克体验的一部分的居住生活规划. By developing your leadership skills, providing community service opportunities, and supporting student led initiatives, 学生参与部为学生提供参与和领导课外项目的机会. 学生参与部负责学生住房和居住生活, Student Activities, Career Services, Student Government, Athletics, Registered Student Organizations, Greek; Life, 支持新生迎新活动.

菲斯克体验是一种高标准价值观的推广, beliefs, 以及澳门皇冠赌场平台社区的愿景. By design, 菲斯克体验是激发学生智力的典范, culturally, and socially.

学生参与部拥抱菲斯克体验的主题“成功在D”.E.T.A.I.L.S.,以支持大学的多元化价值观, Excellence, Teamwork, Accountability, Integrity, Leadership, and Service. 我们的目标是通过提供支持菲斯克体验信念的服务和项目,使整个学生社区成为学生领袖.

全球倡议办公室隶属于学生参与部,其目标是提供高质量的服务和支持项目,以满足澳门皇冠赌场平台国际学生的需求. The services include assisting international students with their initial adjustment to life at Fisk University and in the United States; and also providing information and advising on immigration regulations helping students to understand their F-1 regulations and status maintenance.

Mission Statement

全球倡议办公室致力于通过促进多样性来培养和培养几代全球领导者, multiculturalism, 以及融入菲斯克体验的方方面面.

Required Appointment for Processing:

  • Transfer-Out /In
  • Change of program
  • F-1 Status Advising on immigration rules & regulations
  • 选择性实习培训(OPT)就业许可(I-765)的处理
  • 课程实践培训(CPT)就业许可处理


appointments must be made to meet with staff
Monday - Friday, 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Central Time

Advising Hours
Monday – Friday: 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. & 1:30 P.M. – 4:00 P.M

After-hours Emergencies
在我们的正常办公时间之外,请致电澳门皇冠赌场平台公共安全办公室 615-329-8777.


Email: global@ptc2010.net


If you would like to register a vehicle, report a crime, 了解更多澳门皇冠赌场平台校园安全和监控的信息, 甚至不能和酋长约个时间喝杯咖啡, please visit our Campus Safety page.


Chief Mickey West
Fisk University Department of Campus Safety
1000 17th Ave. N.
Carnegie Hall, Basement Level
Email: safety@ptc2010.net
Phone: 615-329-8777 (24/7 Dispatch)

Go to Campus Safety

咨询中心的主要目标是提供个人和团体咨询服务,促进所有学生的个人发展. 菲斯克咨询中心通过对客户保密的承诺来维持一个安全和学术上的环境, 反映当前研究的道德行为和咨询实践. 我们希望提高学生的潜在成功,促进整个学生的健康:情感, social, spiritual, intellectual and physical.


Fisk University Counseling Center
1000 17th Ave. North
Nashville, TN 32708
Office: 615-329-8861
Fax: 615-320-6055

Counseling hours are by appointment only.

Download Referral Form

Important Mail Center Reminders

  • 收到的邮件和包裹将于下午1:00前提供取件服务.m. daily
  • 收到的学生邮件将在下午3点前送到学生邮箱.m. daily.
  • 寄出去的邮件应不迟于下午二时寄出.m. 每日,并附上外发商务邮件表格
  • 所有包裹必须在到达后48小时内从校园邮件中心领取.

United States Post Office


Ronald Zupinski
Mail Center Manager
Phone: 615-329-8506
Email: rzupinski@ptc2010.net

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m
Saturday - Sunday: Closed